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Frédérique Paulus - Psychologist            

Frédérique Paulus - Psychologue 

Literary NewsMagna tempus sed ametaliquam veroeros

Details on my new Book :

"Understanding my child at all ages"

Therapy servicesaliquam veroeros

Find out all the issues I treat at my practice.

The OfficeMagna tempus sed ametaliquam veroeros

5 Square du Trocadéro - 75116 Paris

Tel +336.

Methods of therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Talking Therapy


Personality Tests

My Career Path

Professional Degree in Clinical and Developmental Psychology - 2007


Cognitive Behavior Therapy Certification 
Postgraduate Training in Dramatherapy


Psychologist for Adults, Children and Adolescents


Be assured we are taking all required COVID-19 safety precautions, including 1.5 metre distancing, making hand sanitiser available, and providing contactless credit card payments, so that you don’t need to touch the machine to enter a pin.

There are many advantages of online therapy sessions, such as convenience, no travel, easier on those who can’t find babysitters, and more flexibility. So we will continue to offer them for those who find them preferable.